Uniting School Administrators to Create a Better World

Posts in category Leadership

The Power of Positive Reinforcement – It’s Biological

The Power of Positive Reinforcement – It’s Biological

I am currently reading David Rock’s book, Quiet Leadership, and it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite books. Although I’m not finished with it yet, I wanted to share something that I’ve learned from the book. David has done a lot of research on the brain, and how it works, and I’ve found it fascinating. […]

Why I Need to Get an Oar for my Office

Why I Need to Get an Oar for my Office

Beyond the horizon, across the vast expanse of the ocean, the captain envisioned a new world. He was certain that a better world existed, but he just needed to get there. He knew he couldn’t get there without some help. As strong as he was, and as determined as he was, the distance was too […]

How the Administration Lost Their Most Amazing Teacher

How the Administration Lost Their Most Amazing Teacher

She was the most amazing teacher I had ever known. Her name wasn’t Diane, but that’s what I’ll call her. Diane was so full of enthusiasm. She was always smiling, and she never had a negative word to say about any student or about another teacher. She loved being a teacher. She loved kids. Diane […]

How School Administrators Will Change the World

How School Administrators Will Change the World

I’ve been reading a lot of books about leadership, and a common theme in most, if not all, of the books is that the most successful leaders have a sense of purpose. They have identified WHY they do what they do, and then they communicate that purpose to their teams. If you’ve noticed, I’ve changed […]