Hello everyone,
Being a new administrator – on my way to school administration mastery – I’ve been reading some blogs of other more experienced school administrators out there.
I’ve come across a few posts that I thought were particularly insightful, and I wanted to share them here.
After 23 years of being a classroom teacher, I felt pretty confident with my abilities.
I can confidently say that I was a great teacher. It took a while for me to get to that point, but I did.
Now, however, I’m stepping into an arena where I’m not the expert yet. I’m still learning.
I know I’m going to be a great administrator too someday. I only hope it doesn’t take me 23 years to get there.
I’m reassured that with the great resources that I’ve found in the blogs I’ve discovered so far, however, I’m on my way.
Take a look at these posts. Tell them Sam from SchoolAdministrationMastery.com sent you.
My Reflections as 1st Year Assistant Principal by Bill Burkhead
To lead a successful school, I believe we must lead by example. My philosophy as a leader is to never ask a teacher, staff, or student to do something that I, myself, have not done or am willing to do. Setting high expectations is also vital as a leader, and something I do myself, and expect of our staff, students, parents and community – you don’t get to be the best by shooting for the Bronze.
They are all “At-Risk” by Mr. Bernia
Too often, we marginalize those who achieve, often saying things such as “they could teach a class” or “good kid, responsible.” While the students who achieve deserve the praise of the educators who speak highly of them, we often don’t do enough to critically evaluate where they can grow and help them develop.
What JMS Teachers “Used to Think” – by AveryTeach
I used to think we all taught in our own little boxes…
Now everything we do is interconnected.
I used to think elective and support staff were isolated….
Now we are an integral part of learning.
I used to think teaching standards was teaching to a test….
Now I think teaching standards guides instruction and shows mastery.
Wasting Time by Shannon in Ottawa
Rather than identifying literacy goals, we identified clusters of skills and attitudes that we wanted our students to acquire through their learning. Some of the key skills the intermediate team identified included risk-taking, self-confidence, perseverance, independence, compassion, collaboration, critical thinking, playfulness, dependability and well-being.
Thank you to these great administrators. I’ll be looking forward to reading your posts.
Do you know of a blog that offers advice that I or any other new administrator can use to reach that goal of school administration mastery? Please let me know.